Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) uses computer software technology to automate high-volume, repetitive tasks that previously required a human to perform. Using RPA, organisations can improve productivity and deliver better services at lower costs. RPA can also often be implemented without major changes being required to legacy IT systems.

It uses computer software to process and automate routine, standardised tasks in support of an organisation’s knowledge workers. Although most commonly used in the private sector, it is now also increasingly being deployed by the public sector, due to the potential it offers for efficiency gains and service improvement.RPA is essentially an automated, virtual workforce that mimics human interaction with other software or IT platforms.

Almost any typical rules-based process can be automated generating time and cost savings of 30% or more. RPA is different from “traditional” automation, such as self-service platforms, in that software robots interpret the user interface of third party applications and are configured to execute steps identically to a human user. They can be configured (or “trained”) flexibly to work across any existing platform, using demonstrative steps, rather than being programmed to perform one specific task. RPA is therefore seen as complementary to existing automation initiatives.

  •   Decreased cycle times and improved throughput
  •   Flexibility and scalability
  •   Improved accuracy
  •   Improved employee morale
  •   Detailed data capture and analytics