
Most of the enterprises have deployed very costly IT systems across the organizations to automate high value and core business processes and operations. However, there is a significant gap between the way IT systems and the way the processes are operated resulting in continued manual interventions and thus rendering the process automation ineffective. Major part of the human effort is consumed towards mundane tasks rather than doing value added work.

We @Lintas Infosystems help you eliminate these inefficiencies in your operations making them lean and agile and freeing up your resources for more valuable work.


Robotic Process Automation

Robotic process automation (RPA) uses computer software to process and automate routine, standardised tasks in support of an organisations knowledge workers.
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Intelligent process Automation

IPA mimics activities carried out by humans and, over time, learns to do them even better. Traditional levers of rule-based automation are augmented with decision-making capabilities thanks to advances in deep learning and cognitive technology.
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IT automation

IT automation is the linking of disparate systems and software in such a way that they become self-acting or self-regulating.
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